Navigating the App

Getting Started

Access the SolSplits app by going to

You will be prompted to connect your Solana wallet in order to be able to explore SolSplits' features, including deploying a Split contract, initializing a Vault, withdrawing a balance, exchanging your balance, sending a balance, accessing contacts, saving accessing contacts, and much more.

Overview Page

Once you connect your Solana wallet to SolSplits, you will be brought to an Account Overview page. If this is your first time using SolSplits, you will be able to choose which blockchain transaction explorer you would prefer to use (SolSplits recommends XRAY by the team at Helius), and whether to enable tutorial tips. Once you set up a Vault and create or participate in any Splits, your Vault balance and top Splits will appear on the Overview.

Last updated