Why SolSplits, Why Now?

As Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN) started explosively growing, users and deployers very quickly noticed significant and avoidable problems that detracted from these projects. From the management of token earnings, tax accounting across national and international jurisdictions, revenue share / royalty management / rent payments, the inability to integrate into established business models (limiting velocity of growth), and the inability to easily combine projects that might mutually benefit eachother. A hodgepodge of Web2-inspired solutions has attempted to address many of these issues, but nothing has effectively done so affordably and at-scale, that is- until SolSplits.

By identifying these DePIN-inspired problems, SolSplits has also found similar issues across the universe of token-incentivized networks and projects. Any project building revenue-generating NFT's will experience one or more of the previously-mentioned problems sometime, and should have a single tool with to quickly and efficiently address them.

Furthermore, as inefficiencies in traditional business models strain growth in an ever more challenging capital and regulatory environment, stakeholders are looking for ways to equitably, efficiently and transparently increase margins and drive growth. Whether it's real estate portfolios burdened by close supervision from legal and accounting departments, whether it's music labels, artists, and streaming platforms looking for better ways to pay and get paid royalties, or whether it's any business model that currently has assets owned and payments owed to multiple parties and is looking for ways to automate and streamline these processes.

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